Reading Roundtable: Mandate or Myth? Unraveling the 3-Hour Work Cycle

from $5.00

Join the Montessori Network of New Mexico for a thought-provoking virtual Reading Roundtable as we explore Jana Morgan Herman's groundbreaking article "Mandate or Myth? The Uninterrupted 3-Hour Work Cycle."

Date: Saturday, May 18th

Time: 9 am-10:30 am MT

For decades, the 3-hour uninterrupted work cycle has been upheld as a sacred tenet of the Montessori method. But what if this widely accepted practice is not as firmly rooted in Maria Montessori's writings as we assume?

In this meticulous research, Herman takes us on an enlightening journey through Montessori's texts, uncovering revelations that call into question the true origins of this pivotal concept.

This roundtable promises to:

  • Challenge long-held Montessori dogma

  • Provide fresh insights from Herman's findings

  • Facilitate thought-provoking discussion

  • Deepen your understanding of Montessori's authentic teachings

Don't miss this unique opportunity to engage with our New Mexico Montessori community, gain new perspectives, and potentially reshape your view of the 3-hour work cycle.

Registration Fee (Sliding Scale): $5 - $25

We are offering a sliding scale fee to make this event accessible to all. Please pay what you are able within the $5-$25 range.

Sign me up!

Once you register, you will receive a confirmation email that will include links to the article and to the Trillium Talks podcast featuring author Jana Morgan Herman discussing her research into uncovering the origins of the three hour work cycle.